Nintendo "Has Interest" In NFTs And The 'Metaverse'
As Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) become more prevalent in the gaming world, Nintendo has revealed that they are exploring NFTs, but have expressed doubts about their ability to do so.
Following the release of its most recent financial results report, Nintendo held a live Q&A session in which they reportedly expressed "interest" in the "potential" of the Metaverse when it comes to incorporating blockchain and non-fungible token (NFT) technology into their video games.
In response to a tweet from David Gibson, senior analyst at MST Financial, asking what the Japanese gaming giant thought about the Metaverse and NFTs, they confirmed that they are not currently working on anything but are still defining what they could offer gamers.
It is worth noting that Nintendo's primary concern is "how much joy we can provide" to players and fans. They are clearly cautious of any potential introduction of NFTs or metaverse integrations. These words from the creators of the Pokemon and Zelda franchises come at a time when other major video game companies and consoles are dabbling in blockchain gaming.
Ubisoft has created an NFT platform called Ubisoft Quartz, and Konami, the creators of Castlevania, have released their own NFT collection. Meanwhile, Microsoft paid $69 billion for Activision Blizzard and confirmed that Xbox will work on metaverse platform development.
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