
Dolly Parton and James Patterson Are dropping Limited Edition NFTs

Dolly Parton is releasing a new NFT collection and marketplace called the "Dollyverse"...
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Dolly Parton, a well-known country music star, is releasing a new NFT collection and marketplace called the "Dollyverse".

Parton today announced the launch of her "Dollyverse," which will include a co-branded book, album, NFTs, and a livestreamed musical performance at South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas. Patterson and Parton collaborated on the novel "Run, Rose, Run," and Parton also wrote and produced the accompanying musical album.

The Dollyverse is being developed by FOX Entertainment's Blockchain Creative Labs and the blockchain company Eluvio. Eluvio's Content Fabric proof-of-authority consensus blockchain will host the Dollyverse NFTs and live-streamed performance at SXSW.

The NFTs will be available for purchase both during and after the live performance, and users who watch the performance will receive free NFTs to validate their attendance at such a historic event.

I’m almost always up for trying something new and different,said Dolly Parton. She further added, “I'd say releasing NFTs at my first ever appearance at SXSW, with James Patterson by my side, definitely counts as new and different!

Parton's ‘Dollyverse’ puts her among a rising number of musicians who are developing NFTs and their own metaverse ventures. DJ Steve Aoki recently stated that he has made more money in NFTs than he has in a decade of music advances, demonstrating how profitable the Web3 space might be.

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