Longevity has always been at the very top of Pak’s resume. Even before the rise of NFTs, Pak has been in the business of professional artistry. But Pak reached new levels of fame when NFTs broke the market. As, arguably, the most prominent and best-selling artist in the NFT art space, Pak has become a generational NFT influencer and blue-chip artist followed by nearly 300,000 Twitter users. In his long list of career highlights, the best ones were probably that one time Pak was partly responsible for the $80-million increase in the NFT market in late 2020, the $17-million purchase of his artwork via Sotheby’s, and, at some point, becoming the artist with the biggest amount of sales in NFT art history – yes, surpassing Beeple’s record in the process. Despite this repertoire filled with history-makers and groundbreakers, Pak’s identity remains unknown.